Thanks Jeff for the answer,
I now have another question related to it.
I'm currently reading the document 'Managind workloads with ASE: Techniques for OLTP scaling and performance management with large SMP and shared disck clusters'.
On page 125 (end of chapter 'cache utilization & cache partitioning'), there's the following information
To find out how much of a cache actually is active, you need to query the MDA tables using a
query like:
select c.CacheName, o.CacheID, sum(o.TotalSizeKB)/1024
from monCachedObject o, monDataCache c
where c.CacheID=o.CacheID
group by c.CacheName, o.CacheID
Shall we replace sum(o.TotalSizeKB)/1024with sum(o.CachedKB)/1024instead?