Thanks for your reply.
In fact for my case, the partner SP : forwarding agent is filling in the bottom level, iuynless I have filled the forwarding agent in the top, and it is filled automatically, even I did not enter an outbound delivery in the shipment document.
You can see below I have enetered a outboud delivery in the shipment with pârtner forwarding agent in VL03N and route ... but it does not update the forwarding agent in the shipment document
The request is that as the partner SP forwarding agent is triggered automatically in the partners below, when inserting the forwarding agent for the shipment document, the freight service agent will be filled automatically too. I guess it should be done by code , because I was able by debugging to force TF partner type instead of SP and it was updated.
I want just to double check that there is no easier method , by configuration for example. In the beginning I thouight that the below customizing will solve the issue but no.