As per standard its purely related to counting rule and selection rule for absence grouping.
Can you please share counting rule applicable for this employee.
After checking counting rule check with DWS.
PS: There is selection rule based on different type of absence and absence group.
Eg. I came across once scenario for same day leave Like 10.10.2015-10.10.2015.
1. CL : Absence Hours = 8 Hours
2. SL : Absence Hours = 7 Hours . How?
Because for CL Absence grouping is 1 and for Absence grouping is 2.
And for both selection rule for DWS is different so for CL, DWS is considered as NOR1 without variant. and for SL, it is considered as NOR1 with Variant A having planned working hours as 7.
This is just for information. I guess in your case its should be related to counting rule.