Hi Vadim!
Tanks for your answer!
We have a VB macro in an Excel file that does the following:
1. Request a folder to collect files that were submitted by users.
2. Copy the original files to another folder named "Copia_xxxxx"
3. Open one by one and refreshes the original files (without sending data)
4. Put as "very visible" the "EVDRE_CACHE" and the copy sheet.
5. Open the file of the corresponding copy.
6. Put as "very visible" the "EVDRE_CACHE" road and erases its contents.
7. Paste the contents of the "EVDRE_CACHE" point 4 (cache refreshed the original file). sheet
The problem is that the sentence: "Application.Run (" MNU_eTOOLS_REFRESH ")" is executed for the workbook where the macro is not in the template we need.
Can you tell me how to make it refreshed the template?