Hi Zach
Regarding on managed system dump issue, I assume your ERP might use ST-A/PI 01Q SP2.
If it is so, SAP Note 1946940 should resolve the issue.
It is always really recommended to check BP Analytics/BPMon central notes and apply recommended SAP Notes before starting implementation. Otherwise you might see some issue.
To avoid unnecessary issue, I recommend to check following 2 SAP Notes before starting implementation.
Note 521820 - Availability of Business Process Monitoring
When you implement BPMon/BP Analytics, check this note and apply recommended notes that match with your solution manager SP.
Note 1759233 - BPO Dashboards/BP Analytics: requir.SAPnotes for SP05/higher
When you implement BPMon/BP Analytics, check this note and apply recommended notes.
SAP Notes Solution Manager is related to BP Analytics/Dashboard
SAP Notes managed system is related to BP Analytics and BPMon data collector
On your 2nd question, BPMon/BP Analytics Configuration location, I recommend you to check the configuration guides that is available BPO wiki.
Especially following document provides you important information.
BPMon Setup Guide (classic)
BPMon Setup Guide (MAI)
BP Analytics
Setup Guide - Business Process Analytics 7.1 SP5 + higher.pdf
Best Regards
Keiji Mishima